5 Signs that You May be Experiencing a Hard Drive Crash

article-new-thumbnail-ehow-images-a04-qv-q6-signs-hard-drive-crashing-800x800 Learn the signs of a hard drive crash.It is always good to know when you are about to experience a hard drive crash. This can give you enough time to transfer your files before you lose them all completely. Below, I have listed several different signs that tell you when your hard drive may be failing.

How do you catch a hard drive crash failure?

  1. Strange Noises

    • Sometimes you can hear strange noises before a hard drive crash. These sound like strange grinding and thrashing noises.  This is usually because something is rubbing against the hard drive. If these strange noises occur, make sure you act quickly because there is probably not much time left before the crash occurs.
  2. Disappearing Data and Disk Errors

    • When your computer stops saving information, losing files, or programs that normally worked stop working, this is a sign that the hard drive is going to crash soon.  Before you call someone, make sure no one has moved those files to a different location because this is often the case.  If that is not the alternative take action!
  1. Computer Stops Recognizing the Drive

    • This is a pretty obvious one, if your computer is not recognizing your drive, it is probably having a problem, this is not your computer, it is the hard drive and could be crashing. Test it in a friend’s computer and see if the drive is recognized there.
  2. Computer Crashes

    • If your computer is constantly showing a blue screen, suddenly rebooting for no reason, or if your computer crashes when accessing files, these may be signs that a hard drive crash is occurring.
  3. Really Slow

    • Sometimes when it takes an hour to open a file, or two to empty the trash, it is usually a problem with your hard drive and should be looked at by a professional. In my experience, this has always resulted in a hard drive malfunction.

All in all, if any of these symptoms are happening to your computer or hard drive, make sure you call a professional to have them take a look at it. It is hard to retrieve that data and it can become deleted easily after a hard drive crash. The best thing to try and do first, is to back up your files before the hard drive crashes because it could be too late.

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